Showing posts with label second grade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label second grade. Show all posts
Multiplication Array War Grid Game

Multiplication Array War Grid Game

You can help your students practice area skill by calculating length and width, multiplication and multiplication facts with a multiplication grid game . Just print the recording sheet and you have instant engaging activity. Material required: - two dice, - two different color pencils and - a recording sheet Each player takes it in turn to roll the two dice, using the numbers that they rolled to draw the perimeter of a rectangle or square. They can write the area in the middle of the shape. If they roll a 2 and a 3, they'll draw a box that is 2x3 and write 2x3 inside of it.  If a player cannot create an array because there is no space left, they lose a turn. Or you could have the first person who can’t color in their roll be the loser. Your GOAL is to get as many arrays in your color as you can.  Kids can play the game themselves and see how many arrays they can draw in their box without any overlap.   To get arrays larger than 6x6, you can use dice with more than si...
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Free Back to School Ice Breaker Dice Game

Free Back to School Ice Breaker Dice Game

 If you want to get to know more about your students, download this poster for free. You don't need to cut, paste, laminate, simply print and play! The rule of this game is very simple. Children will roll the dice and then share something about themselves, depending on what they rolled.
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Free Fruit and Body Parts Word Cards

Free Fruit and Body Parts Word Cards

One of the best way to keep your students engaged is to incorporate some classroom games to make learning more fun and exciting. Minute to Win it reading game is one of my students' favorite game. We love it because it is fast paced, competitive, but also a lot of fun for everyone. What you'll need for this game: - stopwatch or phone with a stopwatch function, - word cards Each student has 20 seconds to read as many words as they can. The best thing about flashcards and word cards is the unlimited ways you can use them. My Fruit Word Cards Freebie contains the following words: apple, banana, pear, kiwi, orange, grapes, watermelon, pineapple, lemon, strawberry, melon, cherry. My Body Parts Word Cards Freebie contains the following words: head, hair, eye, ear, mouth, nose, arm, hand, fingers, leg, foot, toes. What classroom games do you like to play? Comment below, we'd love to hear from you.
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Birthday Board + a Freebie

Birthday Board + a Freebie

 I would love to celebrate my students' birthdays with a fun, festive Birthday Board, so I am preparing cupcakes for my classroom. I don't know exactly how would it look like. If you have some good ideas, or pictures of your chart, I would be glad to hear it, see it and try it. I made this birthday card today. If you like it and/or need it, click on the picture and download it for free.
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Order of Operations

Order of Operations

Just a quick post to share my newest Freebie with you. This is an easy to follow worksheet for mastering addition and subtraction facts. Complete the addition and subtraction worksheets in a whole or small group setting or use them for independent practice. If preferred, send the worksheets home as homework assignments.
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Number of the Day Activities

Number of the Day Activities

Do you do number of the day activities with your class? It is a super effective, simple and fun activity for a daily math warm-up. I am so excited to introduce my latest creation Number of the Day Task Card Slider. You can use it in a math center to practice number recognition, to reinforce number order, sorting odd and even numbers, patterning, basic operations, skip counting. Have another idea to add to the list? Please share it in the comments below. This packet includes the following: - Slider - Camera (color, b&w) - 100 random number cards 0-1000) - 6 different TASK CARDS - Each Task Card has 9 ways to work with the number. You can differentiate easily by customizing with target pages. Like the activity you've seen so far? Just click on the image bellow. Want more Number Cards? Make sure you check out these collection.
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Activities for b and d Reversals

Activities for b and d Reversals

Hi there! Just wanted to share a bit about one of my favorite products in my store Activities for b and d Reversals. When you think about it, b and d are the same letters, they’re just turned in different directions. Letter reversals, such as confusing b, d are common among young learners. The vast majority of children will grow out of this stage on their own. There may be a need for some concern if a child continues with letter reversals into and beyond the 3rd grade.   Day after day I've noticed that my little girl struggles with this concept. Since repeated errors only reinforce reversals, I decided to create  a set of worksheets and activities  to help her with B-D reversals. She had fun practicing with this set. She loves it and that makes me happy! Included in this packet are 7 different activities to help correct letter reversals: - WORD SORT with 30 word cards and 4 answer sheets. (pages 4-8) Print the word cards and the answer sheets, laminate then c...
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FREE Thanksgiving Bookmarks

FREE Thanksgiving Bookmarks

 Thanksgiving is right about the corner and I am ready to celebrate with some fun hands-on and engaging resources.  Today I'm sharing a set of Thanksgiving bookmarks. Subscribe to my newsletter to download your FREE Thanksgiving Bookmarks. If you need more Thanksgiving resources check out my Thanksgiving packets below. This packet includes the following prompts: If I were a Thanksgiving turkey... Why I love Thanksgiving... If I had a pet turkey... I'm thankful for... My favorite thanksgiving food is... The best Thanksgiving ever... My family's traditions... The Thanksgiving story... As a bonus I included: - three coloring pages, - two Single Paper Books (eight sided zine) - a really simple book that you can make that doesn't require anything more than a single piece of paper and some scissors. Easy turkey craft. Step by step instructions included. This craft is perfect for Thanksgiving Day and or Animal Units. You can either c...
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Halloween Math and Literacy Centers Playing Cards + A Freebie

Halloween Math and Literacy Centers Playing Cards + A Freebie

Today I'm sharing a few of the pages from my Halloween Math and Literacy Playing Cards in action + A FREEBIE. You can use these easy prep playing cards in - math stations - literacy centers - fast finisher corners - busy bags for improving math facts, sorting and classifying, matching, learning colors, Halloween vocabulary, emergent readers, playing games, and so on. The possibilities are endless. This Halloween Math and Literacy Center packet includes the following: 1. Halloween Vocabulary Chart 2. Small picture cards in rainbow colors (bat, hat, cat, caldron, Frankenstein, spider, candies, pumpkin, haunted house, witch) 3. Small word cards         Colors         Number words         Halloween vocabulary         Numbers 4. Color Vocabulary Cards (95x40 inches) 5. Medium cards (99x99 inches)  ...
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